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For Mamas, Personal

Personal // Southern California

When my friend Suzy asked me to second shoot with her in California I said YES! She was so kind to let me travel with my family and so she traveled solo. We met up for an incredible Oceanside wedding day on Saturday. Chris, Milly, and I arrived Thursday and made the most of cloudy days, sleep deprivation, and the crisp ocean air. I’m recapping our trip below in photographs, our adorable little Airbnb (who will probably no longer allow children under 2 after all that crying), and our fun stops around town! Hope y’all enjoy tagging along.  <3

There’s probably a doggie walking by, we are pretty obsessed at the moment!

That little baby mullet 😛

One of my favorite wineries, you know those pretty little red cans of sparkling white wine that come with straws? They are super popular with wedding parties, and they are from Francis Coppola winery!

Our host has family members opening a brewery and treated us to some craft beer. It’s like we were home! Perfection. <3

Cuddles with our favorite guy.

That Black Lime Grisette was incredible!

We did not mind not having ac, French doors open, fan on, fresh sea air. It was awesome.

The sweetest little patio, this added an extra layer of protection having a mobile baby. It also provided the perfect spot for a cheese board and some of that delicious beer while Milly slept at night.

Wait, is that a treehouse?!!

How awesome! A little treehouse in the making!

Indeed we did!!

After about 7 hours in the car, two stops to potty and lunch in Yuma we found this brewery right up the road from our Airbnb. Such good beer and food too! We also noticed a live band playing Red Hot Chili Peppers, turns out, it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers doing a soundcheck for the Kaboo Music Festival.

Game face on, here kid, let me show you how it’s done! Yes, we are those people with a baby in a brewery but she is always so well behaved, all the people and things going on keep her attention! If she were ever wild, we would take her for a walk, and the lucky parent who stays behind gets to enjoy the rest of BOTH beers! 😛

La Jolla, so incredibly beautiful, I can’t believe we had both been to San Diego several times before, and on a trip with my sister and her family she took me here. I couldn’t wait to get back and show Chris what he had missed, it only took 5 years. That plant is aloe vera, incredible!

Someone did not get the sleep memo, and it took us the first night of driving her around for an hour, in the car, to realize that’s how the following nights would go! Traveling with a kiddo is soooo relaxing! 😛 Seeing the world through her eyes is amazing, and while she usually sleeps soundly in the dark bathroom when we travel, this place was unique. The door to the bathroom was a sliding barn door and so she would just slide it over and say HELLO! Chris enjoyed his first PSL of the season after a sleepless evening. <3

Encinitas Beach, CA, first time feeling the ocean water on her toes.

Balboa Park has beauty everywhere, we love it there!

Post wedding day brunch, so good, Claire’s on Cedros in Solana Beach! I highly recommend the Bloody Mary, but I’ve yet to meet a Bloody Mary I don’t like. The sweetest grandmother asked to hold Milly, we are not those people that worry about strangers holding her, of course we chat with them first and it’s always a grandma. She was shocked how heavy she was. My little chunky monkey!

Oh this picture is a blurry mess, thanks Chrissy! 😛 I love it anyhow!

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  1. Robin Stech says:

    These memorable photos are amazing! Thanks for sharing and I want to go there! Who doesn’t love Cali!

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