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Film, Personal

Best of 2018!

Each year I love to do a round up of the best photos of that year but this year I’m ready to start 2019 off without any extra work. šŸ™‚ Our holiday season was busy, with sessions right up to Christmas, editing, packing for a quick trip up North, and welcoming family into our home.

My daughter got to see snow for the first time and catch snowflakes on her tongue, it was a sight to see and I’m so excited it snowed for her! I went skiing for my birthday, which is the day after Christmas, and enjoyed watching my hubby do his unique skiing technique of arms out, poles in hand, praying he doesn’t eat it. It’s a sight only seen once every few years, but worth the lift ticket price and freezing temps. šŸ˜›

Chris and I actually got a rare moment to ourselves, with opposite schedules and no family in Arizona they are so rare for sure, so we went skiing up in Flagstaff and enjoyed a beer and chicken tenders in the lodge for lunch. Birthday goals!

Our New Years was spent sleeping until about 3am, when our 2 year old decided she must have missed the excitement and was up for the day! Ha! I am so ready to kick off 2019! A few goals I have for myself this year:

  1. Continue to find ways to be greener, I’m all ears if you live the minimalistic and green life too!
  2. Travel to Colorado in the Summer and tour some breweries! All ears on recs for this too, and bonus points if kiddo friendly.
  3. Read more, I love to read and it’s such a nice way to relax, unwind, and unplug! I’d love to hear your favorite reads from 2018!

What goals do you all have for 2019? I like to mix business goals with personal ones and revisit in the Summer to make sure I am happy with where I am, if not, I refocus and start again. Hope that last statement can be a reminder that we are all just doing the best we can and it’s okay to start fresh any month, week, or day!

Here are my top nine (liked by followers) photos from Instagram this year, they are mostly film which makes me SO HAPPY! Here’s to growing in my film journey, shooting more in the desert ((and wherever my work takes me)), and loving on my couples. Happy New Year and Happy 2019!!

Best Nine, Lauren Buman Photography, Scottsdale Wedding Photographer, Phoenix Wedding Photographer, Arizona Destination Weddings, AZWED, Arizona Weddings, Desert Weddings, Happy New Year

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