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Film, Personal, Travel

New York // Summer 2018

I thought I’d share all about the places below, the locations, the people, the food, but it’s New York and all I can really say is that it still has my heart a million times over. I’m so thankful my husband’s work took him on this trip and that I got to tag along with our daughter. We had two full days in the city, one with Chris and one solo. We strolled all over lower Manhattan as a family on Sunday (hitting our favorite lunch counter for fried chicken // Bob White), and visited four different parks. These images are all on film, which was a challenge for sure. Waiting for cars to pass, people to scoot, metering, and pulling out a big film camera that’s older than I am! Asking TSA to hand check my film and my camera with a toddler running around. I’d say it was worth it, I’ll love these forever, an old love in New York and a new one in film. <3

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  1. Amanda says:

    These are so gorgeous, Lauren! This makes me want to pick up my film camera again so badly, nothing compares to film.

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