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Rising Tide Society Leaders Retreat // Minneapolis

A few weeks ago I set off super early with my Tuesdays Together partner in crime Suzy to attend my THIRD! Rising Tide Society Leaders Retreat! This retreat is always so much fun and fills up my leader cup to come back ready to rock our meetings with awesome speakers, content, and a community driven mindset!

So far I’ve been able to attend retreats in San Francisco, New Orleans, and Minneapolis. I’d previously visited the first two cities, so seeing Minneapolis and St. Paul (the Twin Cities) was a new adventure! Sign me up to come back anytime during our brutal Arizona summers! Everything was so green, I saw one or two Targets, otherwise the local commerce is mostly small businesses and mom and pop shops (love!), and we stayed in the cutest little Prince-loving (a Minnesota native!) Airbnb.

Minnesota showed me the best cheese, beer, and coffee I’ve had in a long time, I could totally get used to the half coffee and half wine bar we frequented everyday we were there! It was a few blocks away from our tiny little Airbnb and just the cutest, if you visit Minneapolis make sure Sister Sludge Coffee Cafe is on your list!

The Rising Tide Society Leaders Retreat is so wonderful, from the speakers, sponsors, and catching up with friends from all over the country. Thank you to @RisingTideSociety, @Honeybook, @Flodesk and @Showit for sponsoring this awesome time with creative community driven leaders! See The Twin Cities through my ((iPhone)) eyes below!

Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer

Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer Community Over Competition, Rising Tide Society, RTS Leaders Retreat, Tuesdays Together, RTS, Minneapolis, Destination Wedding Photographer

*This Image by Olivia Reed Photography, can you spot me?! Click here to see last year’s trip to The Big Easy!


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