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Foodie Friday, Personal

Foodie Friday PHX : Doughbird

I have another Foodie Friday post for you all! I don’t know if you guys like this little series or not but they are so fun to write. Even more fun to do the research! We spent the day down at PHX Art Museum reciting to “look with our eyes, not our hands” and to “shhhhh” so we thought it would be a fun idea to grab pizza with our toddler after a fun afternoon browsing art and resisting the urge to touch EVERYTHING. 😛

I’ve wanted to check out Doughbird for forever but its slightly out of the way from where we live so it’s been on the list forever! They have a quinoa, feta, watermelon salad and it was one of the best salads I’ve ever had! We also got the BBQ chicken pizza, as this place specializes in pizza + chicken, a win/win in my book. The pizza was very good, and even had some spice to it. Yessss. Give me all the spicy food!

Lastly, we ended with a caramel sponge cake with vanilla bean ice cream. Heavenly. Gobbled up by everyone. When we order dessert, if only two spoons come, our Milly girl asks “where is Milly’s spoon.” It’s adorable, luckily they brought three and we ate every last bite.


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